(817) 984-1129 info@animalhope.org


Marsha – The Sweetest Little Chihuahua

Marsha – The Sweetest Little Chihuahua

Marsha is just the sweetest little chihuahua you'll ever meet.  She is affectionate, not fearful at all, and loves to cuddle.  She has patellar luxation ... a knee condition common in chihuahuas.  While the bum knees mean she can't run a marathon, she can still get...

Merry – The Heartworm Positive Chihuahua

Merry – The Heartworm Positive Chihuahua

Merry is a handsome little chihuahua that was heartworm positive.  City animal control facilities are not equipped to treat heartworm cases, as the treatment takes about two months to complete.  We pulled him because he's a pretty happy little boy and we wanted to...

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